Winding down for the Weekend
Kaleigh’s Top 5 Ways to Wind Down This Weekend
Heyyyy everyone and happy Friday!
Since the weekend is upon us, I thought it would be a good time to think about winding down and consider the different ways in which we all choose to relax at the weekend. I don’t know about everyone else, but after a busy week of this and that, I love nothing more than a little bit of ‘me time’.
So, what does link worker Kaleigh do to wind down at the weekend? I hear you ask. Well, here are five things I often do as a form of self care on my days off. Some of you may do similar things to relax and feel good, or you might find that your own self care and winding down routines are very different to mine and that’s great! No matter how you take that time to love yourself, if it leaves you feeling more relaxed and healthy, it’s worth doing!
Go Walkies
One of my favourite and most therapeutic wind down activities has to be taking my super cute dog for a walk. I think it’s safe to say that during lockdown, we all learned that spending time outdoors can be a super important factor in keeping both our body and minds healthy. I’m pretty lucky in the sense that close by to my home is a beautiful woodland and there’s a wonderful walking trail going through the woods that takes about an hour to complete. It’s the perfect place for me to dust off the cobwebs, get myself and my dog some exercise and just be at one with nature. This time of year is particularly beautiful as everything has began to bloom and the plants are once again beginning to flourish. I even managed to forage some wild garlic recently! But, even if you don’t live close to a cute little woodland like me, don’t worry… I’m sure there will be a beautiful green space close to where you live too. It might be a local park, a community garden or even a football field. You might be even more lucky and live by the coast. Wherever you go for a spring time stroll, enjoy the moment and take in that fresh air. I often walk around observing the trees and plants and just noting to myself how absolutely beautiful the world and nature around us really is. By the end of my walk, both myself and my super cute dog are always in better spirits.
Pamper Night
Another favourite self care activity of mine is just a good old pamper night. Picture this: Bubble bath, candles, face masks, healthy nibbles and some soothing music. I mean, what’s not to love? And anyone can do a pamper night, no matter what your age, gender or candle scent preference, you too can make your home feel like a 5 star spa! Face masks leave my skin feeling super smooth which in turn makes me feel fresh, glowing and confident. A nice hot bubble bath is just sheer bliss and a chance just to let those stresses melt away. There are other ways to pamper at home of course and if you’re super lucky, you might have a special someone who can even give you a massage! Some people like to go all out and give themselves a manicure/pedicure, a nice feet soak… The pamper options are endless but the outcome is always the same… By the end of my pamper night, I always feel wholesome, fresh and relaxed.
Read a Little
Look, I’m no Matilda… I don’t read every day or even every weekend but, there are some occasions when reading feels like the perfect way to wind down. Reading has always been a form of escapism for myself and when this world seems a little too much, picking up a good novel and getting lost in a whole new world can be a great way to ‘switch off’. Disclaimer… I am a self confessed nerd so that world often turns out to be none other than the wizarding world of Harry Potter. I do love a good travel adventure as well though! Whatever your choice of book, taking time out to sit down, relax your body whilst exploring an exciting new world full of interesting new characters can truly leave you feeling inspired.
Call for a Catch Up
Is there anything better than spending an hour having a good old chin wag with a friend? I think not. My best
friend lives in Newcastle, and I’m here on the other side of the water so it’s not always easy to see each other face to face. That’s why, on the weekend, we always make a thing of calling each other for a good old catch up. We laugh together, we cry together, we reflect on the week we’ve had and just be there for each other. After a phone call with my bestie, I always find myself feeling lighter, chirpier and connected. Will you be reaching out for a catch up this weekend?
Cooking up a Storm
Yes, that’s right… Cooking for some may feel like a chore, but in my house, it really is our ultimate wind down activity. Sundays are the best days because, well…. Sunday Roast! Now I can’t take all the credit here, my other half is a top cook and I’m more like, top sous chef. But still, spending a few hours in the kitchen creating a delicious Sunday dinner in my opinion is that much needed slow Sunday activity with the most delicious reward at the end of it (giant Yorkshire puddings are LIFE). Of course not everyone loves a roast dinner (though it should be the law, if you ask me), so choose something to cook that you truly enjoy devouring. Just remember though, if you decide to bake a cake, the team at Moving Forward want a slice too!
I hope this gave you a little inspiration for your weekend ahead and some things you might want to do to take care of YOU.
Do any of you spend time doing any of the same winding down activities as myself on the weekend?